Currently Browsing: Quick Focus

Live: PrairieFire @ Photoshop World 2010

I’ve said it often, “Photoshop World is my favorite professional conference. By far. Bar none.” Why, is a bit hard to say. I’ve learned amazing things at Imaging USA. And, Texas School gave me the base upon which to build everything I do. But, at this time in my career, PSW is the...

Hot Topics: Work in Progress

Usually, I research and write several posts at a time — and then publish them when I think they are “ripe”. However, some times I hit set backs — things that make an article tough to complete. Here are some of the things I’m working on — complete with some...

Paying It Forward — Going Forward

There was strong enough interest in my Helping Each Other Out: Paying It Forward post to take the next step — creating a section here where we can reach out to each other with requests for and offers of help. I want to keep this very simple. So I’ll dedicate this slot on the home page to...

Removing Unwanted Texture

I remember when my 18 year old, soon to leave for college, daughter, Jenny was a teeny tiny and needed her Daddy to do the simple things in life like feeding her, bathing her and changing her diapers. I remember thinking how cool it would be when she could feed herself and I’d get to eat my meal while... — Part 1

Every once in a while, it’s time to make an investment in my most important creative tool. No, it’s not my camera. No, it’s not my lenses. And, no, it’s not my computer. It’s my head. Yup. My head. Because, if my head is not in the right place, if it doesn’t see clearly,... — Part 2

2. From R.C. Concepcion: How to Make a WordPress Web Site The number one complaint I hear from my photographer friends is not about photography. It’s about web sites. Web sites. The bane of our existence. Essential to our success but, until recently, frustrating to create and maintain. For a couple of...

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