Currently Browsing: Quick Focus

Performance Photography Pt. II

This second part of the Mission Impossible: Performance Photography article will deal with the challenges we face and how to best use our equipment to conquer them. Equipment What’s are the three most important pieces of equipment for available light, performance photography? Fast glass. Fast glass....

Photography On The Web: R. C.’s Surefire Path to Successful Sites

One might think that the greatest frustration faced by today’s photographer would be something like mastering the sophistication of a modern digital camera,lighting under challenging conditions, or learning the ever more complex world of Photoshop. All of those things can be frustrating. But, from my...

Copyright Enforcement Updates

A couple of years ago I wrote a newsletter article in which I discussed a lawsuit I was bringing to protect and enforce the artistic rights I had in an image I had created. I promised to keep a journal and write, often, about the progress of that litigation. And, then a lawyer told me that I should not do...

Live: PrairieFire @ Photoshop World — Day 3

The last day. And, my head is spinning. I’ve learned so much. Sort of. From experience, I know that no matter how much knowledge I cram into my head during a conference or seminar, I really have not learned it until I use it.Those who study the philosophy of education draw a distinction between...

Live: PrairieFire @ Photoshop World — Day 2

Even though my family genealogy charts cast great doubt on the possibility, I’ve always chosen to believe that I am, at least in part, Native American. And, today, at Photoshop World, that belief was strengthened when my friend, Joe McNally, called me from the audience to “model” in his...

Live: PrairieFire @ Photoshop World — Day 1

I never tire of learning — but, now, I’m tired from learning. I feel like I’ve eaten too much at a knowledge buffet. I am sated. Stuffed. And, this is the first of three full days of classes and trade show news.Here’s my plan. I’ll introduce you to some of the highlights,...

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