Currently Browsing: Survival Stories

Paying It Forward — Going Forward

There was strong enough interest in my Helping Each Other Out: Paying It Forward post to take the next step — creating a section here where we can reach out to each other with requests for and offers of help. I want to keep this very simple. So I’ll dedicate this slot on the home page to...

Helping Each Other Out: Paying It Forward

Sometimes, I wish I had a posse — a group of skilled photo folks to help me with my shoots. All of us who work alone know how difficult it can be to do something complex, particularly on location. Some shoots require an extra set or two of hands, another set of eyes, and a sounding board for...

Survival Tips From Hanson Fong

Nowhere is the pressure of competition greater than in the world of wedding photography. So, I turned to one of the world’s best known and most successful wedding photographers, my friend Hanson Fong, for answers to the question “How can wedding photographers survive in this economy and in this...

Survival Stories — Going Live

The immediate response was overwhelming. More than 150 of you sent emails saying “yes” to my inquiry as to whether I ought to start “a survival stories” section on this web site. My web developer, Nina Sossen, who knows a lot more about web site interaction than I do,  tells me that...