
Image by August Bradley

Image by August Bradley

November/December 2008
This image, from August Bradley, is from an editorial exploring the tension between the “get it right in the camera” and the “create it in Photoshop” camps. Truth is, it’s a false dichotomy – the goal is to get a great image. You’ll also find Hands-On tutorials on: HDR; using Viveza to rescue Hi-Key images; how to do Jenny’s Ghost Effect; Wacom Tablet tips; how to make a Dean Collins ground pod; and much more. Read entire newsletter…

September/October 2008

After being “Interrupted by Ike”, I finished up this 39-page newsletter that contains: my Best of Photoshop World awards; a long tutorial on shooting tethered; a column by Jody Goldstein on respecting copyrights while using recorded music; and, a Pro Tip on how to shoot people with glasses.  Read entire newsletter…

July/August 2008
Turning an ordinary image into something cool, I present a tutorial on an enhanced version of the “grunge look”. Another example of salvaging an ordinary image – a tutorial on using SilverEfex Pro to do a black and white conversion. Read entire newsletter…

June 2008
The colorMunki and calibration for the rest of us. An editorial on “The Blame Game” – if you can’t make better images than a kid with a Nikon, don’t blame the kid or the camera, get better at what you do. A tutorial on onOne’s Focal Point. Use a trampoline to change the mood of a shoot. Read entire newsletter…

April/May 2008
A lighting lesson dedicated to Dean Collins – the man who invented the pedagogy of modern lighting – including streaming video from a Dean Collins session. Compact flash card speed test. Lighting diagram for Paramount/Butterfly/Glamour lighting. And, much more. Read entire newsletter…

March 2008
Part II: Adding flash outdoors, the AcuteB 600R. A lesson in diffusion, another way to control outdoor light. Get it right: Pose it. Light it. Shoot it. And, if you move the subject, do all three over again. Read entire newsletter…

February 2008
Part I: Adding flash on location – an indoor shoot with the AcuteB 600R. Portraiture to the rescue – and advanced tutorial on an essential software program. Flying with camera equipment. Viveza – it rhymes with “cerveza”. Read entire newsletter…

January 2008
New Year’s resolutions – (1) getting out of the comfort zone and (2) protecting copyright. Hanson Fong’s secret to posing groups. Facial analysis, making everyone look like a model. Read entire newsletter…

December 2007
The Lensbaby – a tool for all reasons. Ringflash – overcomes major lighting problems and creates some very cool effects. onOne’s PhotoTools Pro – the black hole of creative possibilities. Read entire newsletter…