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Mission Impossible: Performance Photography

Fade In POV (Camera Left) Theme from Mission Impossible playing in the background. Cut to a pair of hands taking a cassette tape out of an envelope and placing it in a tape deck. (For those of you too young to remember  what a cassette tape is, it was the predecessor of the CD and DVD). Bring down the music...

Lessons Learned From A Studio Burglary

Sunday, July 11, started off wrong and, then, got worse. I was up early watching the Tour de France. I’m an addict. Smack dab in front of my big screen, one of my heroes, Lance Armstrong, had an accident that would take him out of contention for the Yellow Jersey. And, then, I got the phone call. My...

Part 2: More On Installing CS5

By now, many of us actually have CS5 up and running on our computers. Some have had easy installations. Some have not. Unfortunately, I am in both camps. I had an easy installation. And, I lived through the installation from hell. I trust that most of you will travel the “easy path”. The...

A Protocol for Upgrading to Adobe Photoshop CS5

Some people measure time on a clock. Others on a calendar. And, there are those of us who measure time in terms of “software life cycles” — the time between major product upgrades. For those of us in the latter category, this is a time to celebrate. Adobe Creative Suite 5 was announced on...

Protecting Our Work: Watermarking Part II — Batch Processing

In the last post, we created a “brush” to use when signing or placing a copyright notice on our images. Using the brush, one image at a time, works well. But, when we have a big job, a lot of images we want to protect all at once, it’s not the way to get the job done. That’s where...

Protecting Our Work: Watermarking Part I.

Yes, I know. It’s a crime against art and beauty to put a watermark across model Hai Thi Ngo’s eyes. I had to. The placement was dictated by my site software. But, in some ways, the placement is appropriate;  it shows the quandary in which we find ourselves when we take desperate measures to...

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